Monday, 26 May 2014

Marine Aquarium Chennai - Creating and Maintaining the Beauty

So, what is a marine aquarium? A marine aquarium is an aquarium that houses plants and animals that belong in the saltwater. The animals and plants are maintained in a preserved environment. These aquariums are very different from the freshwater aquariums as their very constitutions are different.
The saltwater aquariums need more care and are expensive in comparison

It is difficult to acquire organisms for the marine aquarium chennai  when compared to freshwater systems.  They also tend to be more spectacular to look at when compared to the fresh water inhabitants. The tanks require more equipment and filter systems to maintain when compared to the fresh water systems.

Depending on the organisms grown and the temperature marine aquariums are classified
Depending on the organisms grown, these aquarium can be classified into fish only, fish with live rock and reef aquaria. Depending on the temperatures, the aquariums can be classified into tropical aquariums and temperate aquariums.

The tropical marine aquariums are the most common types of aquariums. As the name suggests the aquariums can house plants and animals that thrive in the tropical climates. These kinds of tanks can serve as fish only or those that have only reeds.

The coldwater marine systems or the temperate climate systems can hold fishes and plants that live in temperatures in the range from 10 degree Celsius to 24 degree Celsius. These are much more difficult to obtain in the commercial markets and people who are into the hobby try to acquire them on their own. They tend to employ search techniques and use the tides to look and locate the organisms.

When setting up the tank one should take care to understand which kind of fishes are compatible with each other and other organisms. For example molluscs and crabs do not go together. Crabs may not be compatible with some kind of fishes. One should also ensure that the fishes do not have huge difference in their sizes as one should not easily fit into the mouth of another.

Filtration, water changing and lighting play a very important role. The filtration mechanisms are complex compared to the fresh water mechanisms. There are different kinds of filters. Protein skimmers are the kind of filters that can remove the organic compounds before they degrade. This helps in maintaining the hygiene of the pool.

Sumps are available which can be fitted below the tanks. These sumps can help accommodate the overflow of water when the level of water increases. The sump can take care of the filtration and thus keep the tank neat and clean and free from clutter.

Refugiums are also small containers that can act as biological filters. These filters are mostly used among the reef aquariums and can contain zoo plankton and other such organisms.

When it comes to lighting one should ensure that the light cycle simulates the day and night. This creates a routine for the plants and the animals. They tend to rest during the night time and create a secure environment. Fluorescent, incandescent and Aquarium LED lamps are available. They should be checked for the temperatures and how much intensity is required.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post about planet fish aquarium. We are also sellers and Dealers of planet fish aquarium in Chennai,India.
