An aquarium is usually a container that hosts the lighting,
heating, filtering techniques, and more along with the fishes. From the days
when a fish was grown in a bowl or a school of fishes were grown in tank,
maintaining aquarium have come a long way. Technology has improved how the
care can be given. From simply growing the fish in a bowl, tanks are now
mimicked to form mini aqua scapes. The filtration in the tank can be done
mechanically using filters or biologically by introducing certain species.
Special lights and heating systems are developed to maintain day and night
cycle as well as maintain optimum temperature levels.
A good aquarium is one that is kept clean; the level of
oxygen in the water is sufficient and balanced; the lighting is adequate; the
water is maintained at the right temperatures; the fishes, plants and other
organisms are fed regularly and are healthy; the tank is removed of waste and
cleaned on a regular basis.
One can try keeping a gold fish aquarium, or a guppies
aquarium, or a fighter fish aquarium, or a molly fish aquarium in Chennai these are very easy to maintain and they survive in any weather.
Goldfish is a very common name among aquarium hobbyists.
They are one of the common kind that are suitable for beginners; though one
must check before buying one of the sensitive breeds. The most common is the
red colored fish. These fishes tend to be intelligent in that they have the
ability to distinguish between individual owners. They also have a memory span
of about three months. With positive reinforcement these fishes can be taught a
trick or two.
The guppies are also known as the rainbow fish or the
million fish. They like the goldfish are fresh water thriving species. The male
fishes are smaller than the females and have ornamental fins and tails. The
females are not as colorful. The guppies are found in groups in the wild and
hence not advised to be kept as single. Doing so would make them shoal. Molly
fish are one of the aggressive lot. They are also known as common molly and are
found in dull silver with black sprinkles. They are easy to keep and maintain.
The requisites of setting up a small aquarium are limited.
One should buy a tank that has no cracks and is firm. Lights that come with the
tank may not be good enough. Heating may be required if the room temperature
could dip.
Are you now all geared up to buy and set up an aquarium?